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Zap the Generational Gap

Posted in ELCC, on April 13, 2023

Join the Women in Industry Network Chair, Molly Langdon, and Summit Program Chair, Kristin Kraai-Keely, for a recap of day one and an overview of what day 2 will bring. Get ready for another productive day of networking and education!

Keynote: Zap the Generational Gap

The workplace is NOT what it used to be. The global marketplace has become a myriad of different generations. What people want from an employer; their expectations of corporate benefits, organizational culture and motivation to do what’s best for business differs from generation to generation. Your challenge is to figure out how to communicate successfully with the individual generations to achieve personal growth and enriched company morale. Learn something new; hear something different; laugh out loud and learn how it’s time for the generations to be Redefined!

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