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Who Says Virtual Events Can’t Be Fun? Not the Emerging Leaders of the Industrial Supply Channel!

Posted in Emerging Leaders Network News, on October 14, 2021

On Tuesday, October 5, 2021, over 250 next-gen talent from 50+ companies across the globe sat down in front of their computers for a virtual event hosted by the Industrial Supply Association – the Emerging Leaders Virtual Summit. The focus of the event was aimed at getting these young leaders to Become End User Experts.

The overwhelming turnout shows that the companies who attended recognize two things; 1.) that developing the next generation of talent is critical to their future success, and 2.) that there is nothing more important than instilling an outside-in perspective that cares first about the needs of the end customers of our channel.

“The engagement we saw at this year’s Emerging Leaders Summit was incredible. The chat box was moving all day and the questions asked during Q&A were smart and perceptive,” said Ed Gerber, President and CEO of ISA. “This program was built to address the major shifts happening within our industry and with how the end customer wants to buy… it’s essential to be at the forefront of this shift to succeed in today’s environment.”

The timely content coupled with the unconventional, highly interactive virtual format received high ratings – a 4 out of 5 – by attendees. Post-event comments mentioned that the format of the event was one of the best since “virtual summits” became a thing and that the value of the program content delivered exceeded all expectations. Wow!

If you missed the event, no worries! You can still purchase on-demand access here:

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