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W.I.S.E. Members Participate in Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. 

Posted in Uncategorized, on May 30, 2018

More than thirty W.I.S.E. members and friends met in Indianapolis, IN on April 28 and participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. The day was full of encouragement for all impacted by breast cancer as we support its prevention and cure. Char Cooper, one of our members and current survivor, stated, “What an absolute delight it was to walk the Komen Breast Cancer Walk with this amazing and incredible group of ladies!  While the temps were cool, the love and friendship among ALL of us was as warm as could be!”

W.I.S.E. was the second highest corporate team, having raised $4000. It was wonderful to see our support for a great cause and for each other. Our bonds are strong. Thanks to our team captain Heather Eisenhauer for coordinating this great event and to the team at Quality Mill Supply for donating the W.I.S.E. team shirts!

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