Building Bridges of Inclusion:
Industry Leaders Reflect on Reimagining DEIB
from Intention to Impact

Tuesday, August 15, 2023 | 1:00 - 1:45 PM ET

Building Bridges of Inclusion:
Industry Leaders Reflect on Reimagining DEIB from Intention to Impact

Join us for an engaging virtual panel discussion featuring three prominent industry leaders as they respond, discuss, and provide insightful commentary on a previously held virtual session titled “Reimagining DEIB from Intention to Impact.”

In this thought-provoking panel, our speakers will delve deeper into the critical topic of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) within organizations. Drawing upon their vast expertise and experience, they will share practical insights, innovative strategies, and real-world examples of how to move beyond intentions and create meaningful impacts that foster inclusive workplaces.

Our esteemed panelists will explore key questions such as:

  • How can organizations translate DEIB intentions into tangible actions and lasting impact?
  • What are the challenges and opportunities encountered when implementing DEIB initiatives?
  • How can leaders drive accountability, measure progress, and sustain momentum in their DEIB efforts?
  • What innovative approaches and best practices can be applied to reimagine DEIB in different industries?

Join us for this dynamic and interactive session, where you’ll gain valuable perspectives, learn actionable strategies, and be inspired to contribute towards building a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive future.

Summer Sessions are a FREE benefit exclusively for employees of ISA member companies.

Members can register using the ‘Register’ button on this page.
Non-members will be charged $99/session per person and can register by emailing


MEMBER Register        NON-MEMBER Register

Non-members will be charged $99 per person and can register
by emailing  using the ‘non-member’ button above.


Brent Williams,

President, US Tool Group

Chris Weiler,

Executive Chairman, Weiler Abrasives Groups

Brendan Breen

Brendan Breen,

President, ISA

Registration Now Open for Fall Summit: The Industry’s Top Professional Growth Event!
Registration for ISA 21 now open!
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