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Selling in Post-Pandemic World: An Interactive Workshop

Posted in ELCC, on April 13, 2023

What have the last two years wrought? COVID and its descendants supply chain nightmares and inflation have rapidly accelerated changes to how buyers spec, bid, and buy products. The rules of channel sales are changing, and many salespeople are slow to adapt to those changes. This presentation will help sales executives and reps understand how to meet the new demands of today’s digital sales environment where buyers are taking control of the sales process.

The presentation will look at key trends that appeared early in the century but accelerated under the pandemic, including:
• How and when purchasing wants to be engaged by salespeople
• The importance of culture for a sales organization (in many cases more important than compensation),
• How to better partner with manufacturers to represent their products with one voice, and
• How the metrics you run your business with have and must continue to change.

Learning Outcomes

-See real-world examples showing how their peers are addressing new sales trends and accelerating their business.
-Receive industry data that can help them shape their organization’s decision-making process to reflect post-pandemic changes.
-Walk away with tools to benchmark their organization’s sales progress and measure how they are addressing these key trend areas.

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