Let People Know You Belong


The ISA logo and its respective Network logos may be used in a professional manner on ISA member company business cards, stationery, literature, and/or websites.

The logos may NOT be used in any of the following ways:

  • on any product or promotional material for products or services
  • in any manner that discredits ISA or tarnishes its reputation and goodwill
  • is false or misleading, violates the rights of others or violates any laws, regulations or other public policies
  • mischaracterizes the relationship between ISA and the user, including but not limited to, any use of the logo that might be reasonably construed as an endorsement, approval, sponsorship, or certification by ISA of the user, the user’s business or organization, or the user’s products or services, or that might be reasonably construed as support or encouragement to purchase or utilize the user’s products or services.
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