John J. Buckley Lifetime Achievement Award

The John J. Buckley Lifetime Achievement Award honors any individual in the MROP channel for their longstanding service in the industrial supply industry. Qualified candidates have made significant contributions to the success of the industry and/or their community, and have earned the respect of their associates and peers.

Nominations Now Open for 2025

The John J. Buckley Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes outstanding individuals within the MROP channel for their remarkable, long-term service to the industrial supply industry. This prestigious award is presented to those who have dedicated years of their career to advancing the industry, demonstrating leadership, vision, and commitment. Honorees have made significant and lasting contributions, not only to the success of the industry but also to their communities. Through their work, they have inspired others, upheld the highest standards of professionalism, and earned the respect and admiration of their peers and colleagues. This award celebrates their enduring impact and the legacy they leave behind for future generations.

Applications are being accepted now through January 31, 2025 and will be announced at ISA25 in Nashville, TN.

Submit a Nomination

2024 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner: Tom Gale

The Industrial Supply Association (ISA) proudly announced the recipient of its respected John J. Buckley Lifetime Achievement Award during the ISA24 convention, held in Charlotte, NC from April 15-17, 2024.

This year, ISA is delighted to honor Tom Gale, CEO of Modern Distribution Management (MDM), renowned for his influential role as the longtime publisher of MDM and for his exceptional contributions to the industrial supply industry. Gale’s career within the industry has been marked by his commitment to excellence and innovation, earning him widespread recognition and admiration from industry professionals.

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Past Lifetime Achievement Award Winners

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