The Sales Process – Our Common Language

Add structure and accountability to your sales activities
with ISA’s 8-step, standardized sales process. 

About the Sales Process

Without a roadmap for success, you’re making life a lot harder than it needs to be. Having a professional sales process adds structure and accountability to your sales activities, leading to a higher win rate and shorter sales cycles.

In the videos below, Monte Dhatt (Master Fluid Solutions) and Harly Savage (Coast Industrial Sales) will walk through each step of ISA’s standardized Sales Process, going into detail on the requirements and possible outcomes of each step.

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Stage One: Qualified Opportunity

The beginning of your journey from a lead to a qualified prospect. The main goal of this stage is to qualify a prospect based on your specific criteria and determine if the customer has expressed interest in your product or service.

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Stage Two: Presentation

Once you’ve qualified your opportunity, it’s time to move into Stage Two: Presentation. The goal of this stage is to provide relevant information confirming your ability to meet the customer’s requirements.

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Stage Three: Assessment

The goal of the assessment stage is all about discovery and gaining clarity – learn about the specifics of the opportunity, gain insight into the customer’s specific buying process, and try to understand the customer’s challenges and ROI.

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Stage Four: Validation

Once you’ve clarified the project’s specific requirements, the goal of the validation stage is to reach an agreement and align on clear goals with your prospect’s company.

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Stage Five: Test and Design

The goal of the test and design stage is to showcase a solution to your customer that will specifically address their pain points.

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Stage Six: Proposal

The goal of this stage is to provide a comprehensive solution that minimizes risk and meets the customer’s requirements.

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Stage Seven: Negotiation

The Negotiation Stage is where the customer will make the value and ROI connection. During this stage, you need to work with the customer to fit the right solution with the appropriate price and the correct timing that will work for all parties.

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Stage Eight: Won or Lost

During the final stage, there are two possible outcomes: won or lost. The goal of this process remains the same regardless of the outcome: evaluate how you performed Stages One – Seven and continuously improve for the future.

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