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Impact of Changing Buyer Preferences to the Channel Sales Environment

Posted in ELCC, on April 13, 2023

Buyer expectations have changed at a faster pace in the last 5 years than ever before, and then we met COVID-19. Vendors and channel partners are experts at implementing their products and services that help customers solve business challenges.

Yet when revenue misses the target, they often resort to tactical measures to correct the decline. Quite often these macro changes of buyer expectations are misdiagnosed or not seen as relevant. This discussion will encourage a pause for consideration of strategic changes to their aligned sales and marketing processes.

This session will share changing expectations of the B2B buyers as documented by CSO Insights, Gartner, and McKinsey, and discuss the impact this data has on the channel selling environment.

Learning Outcomes

The customer-facing sales rep is still important in the B2B buying process, but their role, skills, and competencies are evolving.
The customer’s trusted sources are evolving requiring vendors and partners to build new sales and marketing strategies.
The steps in the buying cycle (and sales cycle) have not changed. The speed and decision-making process through these cycles is evolving.
Vendors and Partners need to align on how they will evolve together to satisfy the evolving digital buyer.

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