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Emerging Leaders Summit 2019: New Orleans Recap

Posted in Emerging Leaders Network News, on March 2, 2019

Event Highlights

  • 60 Next-Gen Leaders gather in New Orleans to hear consultant, teacher, coach and speaker, Park Howell, present on the topic of Storytelling in Business.
  • The sold-out event opened with a team building event at the Escape Room, networking, a cocktail reception and time to explore the city.
  • For a full recap of the event, click here.

About the Workshop

Most people default to explaining features and benefits using jargon when communicating…if your message is confusing, you won’t connect with your audience.

The workshop covered:

  • Why business storytelling is more important now than ever to rise above the noise of the Attention Deficit Economy and be heard.
  • How to use three proven storytelling techniques to clarify your story with the And, But & Therefore foundation; amplify your impact with Support stories; and how to simplify the narrative arc of your presentations with the Story Cycle System™ to be more compelling with your audiences.
  • How to apply the narrative method to your personal and/or professional brand stories to increase your influence, engage your audiences and move people to action.
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