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Emerging Leaders Regional Meeting 2018: Chicago Recap

Posted in Emerging Leaders Network News, on October 25, 2018

Event Highlights

  • 60+ Next-Gen Leaders gather on the Magnificent Mile in downtown Chicago to hear best selling author, highly sought-after business consultant, and world-renowned speaker Jen Shirkani present on the topic of Emotional Intelligence.
  • The sold-out event opened with networking, a cocktail reception and an evening private boat tour of Chicago’s skyline and architecture.
  • For a full recap of the event, click here.

About the Workshop

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is an essential ingredient of long-term success, particularly in complex and ever-changing workplace environments.  Well-developed EQ provides deeper insight into interpersonal dynamics and greater mastery to better influence others and build credibility.

The workshop covered:

  • The key skill sets required to demonstrate EQ and understand the EQ framework
  • The correlation between EQ and employee engagement
  • Risks leaders face
  • Strategies for managing the balance between ego and EQ

This one-day session also included activities and exercises that develop self-awareness through self-reflection and a self-assessment.

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