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Buy, Don’t Lease. Secrets to Hire, Train and Retain the Best Employees

Posted in ELCC, on April 13, 2023

How does a well-known industrial tooling company create an atmosphere that results in less than a 5% separation rate in its salesforce? Spoiler alert – it’s not the salary.

This presentation will give insight into how Saint-Gobain Abrasives recruits, trains, and retains talent in some of the most challenging times for our industry. Whether it’s existing demographics, generational or competitive challenges – our industry has to work to overcome these headwinds. We’ll speak with stakeholders both from inside and outside of our company to review best practices, experiences, and feedback during this session. We’ll give insight on strategies for finding the best talent while keeping a keen eye on diversifying and strengthening your companies’ teams and bench strength. We’ll cover the critical building blocks to a robust training program and how we integrate sales talent into the industry. Most importantly, we’ll cover tips and tricks to keep your teams engaged, excited, and thriving, whether it’s their 1st or 40th year. Buy, don’t lease.

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