Phocas products empower you to analyze data, manage rebates, build budgets and forecasts, and create dynamic custom financial reports. Our products work together smoothly to make it easier for you to better plan your financial future and run your business day-to-day. We partner with many ERP systems, so we know exactly how to put your data to work. With Phocas, tasks are automated, information flows freely, and your people can focus on doing the work they want to do. This is why we built our platform and it’s how we make people feel good about data.




Case Studies:

Closing the books faster is a huge payback when it comes to automated financial reports

HVAC&R company uses single source of truth for all business and financial data



Quick and easy access to data

Using Phocas makes me feel secure about data analytics and confident that the numbers are accurate. It makes me sleep better at night, with all seriousness.

Tony D'Aquisto, Vice President of Operations of Replenex