Distribution Strategy Group helps you compete and win. In an evolving business environment marked by digital transformation, shifting customer preferences, and the pivotal role of AI, we are your go-to source for research-backed webinars, whitepapers, blogs, and live events that will help you make better decisions.
Our proprietary, specialized, distributor-focused analytics systems provide actionable insights you can use to drive superior outcomes with customers, employees, and versus competitors.
What sets us apart is our proprietary, specialized analytics systems tailored specifically for distributors. Our advanced data analytics capabilities deliver actionable insights that empower you to make informed decisions, enhance customer experiences, optimize employee performance, and gain a competitive edge.
Testimonial: ARG Industrial’s Mike Powers on the Value of DSG’s Applied AI for Distributors Event:
As the Director of eCommerce Marketing at ECI Software Solutions, my primary goal is to help distributors with their online journey. To accomplish this, we have to make sure we’re present where distributors are spending their time. Distribution Strategy Group’s well-recognized brand in the distribution industry has been instrumental in attracting the right audience. Their hosted webinars allow us to share our thought-leadership content and are also an excellent source of lead generation. The attendees of these webinars are highly relevant to our business, because they’re specifically targeted to the distribution space. For any business looking to get in front of more distributors and drive sales growth, I couldn’t recommend Distribution Strategy Group enough.

Kyle Churchill, Director of eCommerce Marketing, ECI Software Solutions

Brian Hopkins
Chief Customer Officer