What is the value of online training? It can be hard to measure the ROI unless you’re keeping detailed track of training launches or product sales, and doing so drains valuable time. So why is it worth it?

The ROI on training isn’t one-size-fits-all—it’s a measurement that can only be defined by you and your organization. You need to consider your pain points and KPIs:

How can training impact your culture?

If your company isn’t aligned internally, it’s hard to communicate your message externally. Clear, consistent training keeps everyone on the same page, creating a cohesive company culture. Additionally, when you build a culture of learning, you end up with employees who are growing in their roles—benefiting them and your organization.

How can you scale legacy knowledge and train new employees as experienced employees retire?

For every new employee entering the trades, five more are retiring, taking what they know with them. More than ever, companies need to find a way to retain and scale their legacy knowledge, even as employees retire. Online training is an easy way to keep all your knowledge in one place.

How can you strengthen and retain customer relationships?

Not only can training develop your employees, it can strengthen your customer relationships as well. Knowledgeable employees can better serve your customers, leading to better interactions, as well as a stronger reputation as an expert within your industry.

How can your succession planning be made smoother by training?

According to a 2018 study by Deloitte, 86% of leaders believe succession planning is an “urgent” or “important” priority, but only 14% feel that they are doing it well. One way to help smooth the transition is through training: especially if those high-up in your company hold a lot of tenured knowledge, it’s crucial to leave that knowledge for those coming into their roles. Online training means that knowledge remains accessible for the next person in line, without needing to recreate the wheel.

How can training result in operational efficiencies impacting your bottom line?

Maybe you’ve got an employee who spends several hours a week working on spreadsheets. By taking a simple Excel training, like one available through the BlueVolt Course Library, the employee can improve efficiencies and have more time for prospecting, selling, or other tasks that impact your bottom line.

So which of these apply to your company? The answers won’t come overnight. But with a simple, fast, and effective training program, you’ll soon find out. Meet with us to learn how we support scaling organizations like yours.

To learn more about how you can benefit from online training, schedule a call with us today.

Sources: Baby Boomers retiring, leaving many open trades positions | 2019-06-04 | ISHN, Effective leadership succession planning | Deloitte Insights